Saturday, June 28, 2014

I care I react

 Today while browsing internet, accidentally watched shekhar kammula's speech to students @Impact 2013. I like him as a director and also as a person. May be because he represents and shows an urban class mentality I started liking his movies. In his video I observed few important points which I thought will be useful to me.

  1. Paasion: First point is, as someone said, in India one becomes Engineer, then he thinks what do in life. Shekar also did engineering in mechanical and did MS in computer science @USA and worked as a software engineer. till this point he is normal student, engineer until one day he realized that he didn't like what he is doing and started thinking what he likes in his life and about his passion. As we know, we all like the way he has unique talent to see things in a different way. everybody used to like the way he used to describe about nature, rain, children etc. He realized it and applied for a part time job in a university. He got admission and the dean said about his Statement of purpose as one of the best he ever read. I think this the turning point in his life.he started doing what he likes. In his words this is his most proudest and happiest moment than a 100 days block blaster movie or award winning movie. So to sum it up, realizing that something will give you kick than anything else in the world is most important thing that happened in his life.
  2. Relationship's: Second important point he stressed is about value of friendship. Again he proved his directorial/creative skills in describing about the value of relationships. In any big achievement or invention of anything big in this world, a paradigm shift happens. Like reaching Everest summit or reaching moon, or invention of aeroplane, one person gets an out of box idea which no one else would have dreamed before. Like dreaming of flying in sky like a bird, behind all big inventions in human history someone else has to support him. this is where friends will come into picture. He says when he is making Dollor dreams movie, lot of his friends supported him. So instead of having Ego clashes among the gang and trying to bring down a person who is in success, may if we can learn to support one another to learn from other mistakes, we can have better careers. I think this is very valid point. I am suffering with this problem till I watch his speech. If anyone else got job better than me I used to feel nervous/jealous about him. But after certain period of time, this all looks very silly to me. May be I should have learned from him, may be I would have worked harder than him, may be my aim should be to be better than my yesterday self. I think I should work on this.
  3. Having interest in some other talent than our profession: He encouraged to start reading which he says will widen our thought process. He says we get monotonous by doing same thing over and over again after certain period of time, so if we have interest in some other thing other than our profession we can add colors to our life. he says it will help us in getting happiness in our lives. 
  4. Be individual: If you have enemies that means you have stood for something in your life. He says we should build a character for our self like creating self brand. people should recognize ourselves with some talent like this guy stands against corruption, against woman sexual harassment, or may be against road accidents. Unfortunately the current scenario in AP is many people don't have any  opinion but will have ridiculous wars in Facebook, twitter, you tube for or against about his favorite celebrity. so instead of talking about movies, gossips, discussing about ideas will have a positive impact in our lives. Fortunately I am out of this but I think I should start doing something for society. I may look like being social activist but I am being selfish here because when I believe in some values and cause and when I decide to stand against something, It will show me a different perspective of world. I will get more focused one thing rather on n things. I think I should take this up seriously.
  5. I care I react: this campaign I liked because of its psychological impact. He said he took one social cause and wearing a badge saying I care and I react, he will get attention of people. When they ask about the details, he used to explain about his cause and why he started his campaign. Now everybody is talking about the delhi rape issue, we will feel get angry when such incidents happnes, after few days we will forget this and media will highlight a new issue and we will forget the old one. So instead of blaming govt. police, politicians, he suggested a bottom up approach. If we all think we should respect women, we all will together will become a nation. the more i thought about this, the more I liked it. when we wear this badge for some cause, people will ask us why you are doing this. he says when he wear the badge, people used to questioned him like you showed flirting a college teacher, slapping a girl and several scenes in his movies. he asked for apologies for them and he said when he started this he thought society will get benefit out of it but later he understood that he got benefited out of it. he understood himself better. we also will think twice before commenting a girl/colleague. will help our mother in buying vegetables and things like that. this applies to following traffic rules, against corruption. So I think this strategy works.

In Q&A session, he said one excellent example about warren buffet and bill gates. First bill gates started a charity work with his wife name Melinda with some huge amount later his competent in richest person in the world warren buffet also contributed a lot to the same charity of bill gates without thinking about his prestige or anything else, that's really awesome. In india if birla starts a charity tata wont join even congress govt starts a welfare scheme BJP govt wont support it, instead will stat something else and reversal. even at individual level we behave in the same way but this is something we should learn.

 Also in answer someone question he said his favorite books are of Ayn rand books and Alchemist.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

First post

This is my first post,  finally one in my bucket list is done. Although I have interest from many days to write a blog main inspiration to write this blog is Snehithudu movie (i.e. 3 idiots Telugu version). I am happy today for what i have done. I will share my opinions, feelings, learning's through this platform now onwards.